
How To Set The Bead On A Tire

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Mounting tires yourself can save you some money, especially if you have access to a tire mounting machine. However, yous can as well mount your ain tires at dwelling house using little more than than a pry bar and a nifty bargain of endeavor. It is highly recommended that you have your wheels and tires balanced at an auto repair facility after they have been mounted.

  1. 1

    Lubricate the dewdrop and rim edge. Spray the tire lubricant liberally onto the inner lip of the tire (referred to as the bead) as well as the outer edge of the rim to make information technology easier to seat the tire on the rim to be inflated.[1] If your lubricant came in a jar rather than a spray canteen, utilise the lubricant to the same edges using a cloth or wooden dowel.[ii]

    • Don't utilize dish soap or automotive grease instead of lubricant. The dish soap does not offer enough lubrication and grease tin can exist extremely difficult to clean off of the wheel.
    • Y'all can purchase tire lubricant at your local auto parts shop.
  2. 2

    Install the valve stalk. If there is no valve stem already on the bicycle, y'all'll need to put one in to inflate the tire once information technology's mounted. At that place will be ane hole on the interior of the rim that passes all the manner through to the outside. Insert the valve stem from the inside of the rim so it pokes out through the hole on the outside. And then utilise a pair of pliers to pull the stem through until it stays firmly in identify.[3]

    • Adding a little tire lubricant to the valve stem volition also aid go it through.
    • The design of the valve stem won't allow it to pass all the mode through or popular out in any management other than backward, so all you need to do is ensure it'due south pulled through the hole and is seated tightly.


  3. 3

    Place the rim on the tire auto. The tire car is designed to accept the rim facing upward. Prepare it on the machine and appoint the hydraulic printing that secures the rim in place from beneath past pressing the pedal associated with it.

    • Nearly tire machines have two pedals: 1 to engage the printing and another to rotate the rim.
    • If you lot're unsure which pedal does which (or if in that location is no pedal on your item motorcar) refer to the tire machine possessor'southward transmission or the manufacturer's website for guidance.
  4. 4

    Slide the tire over the rim on an angle. Position the bottom border of the tire lower than the pinnacle edge of the rim on one side, with the tire sitting at well-nigh a 45-degree angle. The tire should be able to sit on its own without falling off the rim.[four]

    • It'due south important to start with one bead beneath the rim'southward edge and plenty space for the mounting arm to be slid into the gap created by the angle.
  5. v

    Swing the mounting arm down onto the border of the rim. Position the mounting arm then it makes contact with the rim's outer edge in the same spot you've already angled the tire to get past. If y'all can't squeeze the mounting arm in at that spot, re-adjust the tire to requite yourself room to go the mounting arm in.[5]

    • The mounting arm serves as a sort of pry bar to force the residue of the tire over the lip of the rim, so it needs to start in a identify where the tire has already fabricated information technology by that lip.
  6. 6

    Angle the tire so the lower dewdrop is aimed at the mounting arm. With the mounting arm in place, you may need to adjust the tire slightly so that information technology comes into contact with the arm equally the wheel and tire rotate. In near cases, this won't require an adjustment at this signal, just look things over to ensure the proper bending. Make sure the tire is positioned so that the arm presses the lip down by the rim's edge as it rotates.[half dozen]

    • Often, the way the tire sits on the rim to allow for the mounting arm is already at the right angle.
    • If the tire falls off the rim, information technology's non angled properly.
  7. seven

    Press the pedal to rotate the rim and tire. As the 2 rotate, the mounting arm will force the bottom dewdrop of the tire over the rim'south summit edge. Continue to rotate the ii until they complete one full circle and the tire'due south bottom bead is entirely by the superlative lip of the rim.[7]

    • The tire will expect like it's halfway mounted when you're done, with well-nigh of the tire on the rim.
    • The tire'south top bead volition be all that stops information technology from setting all the way onto the wheel.
  8. 8

    Reposition the mounting arm to guide the tire's upper lip onto the rim. Just like before, printing one side of the tire downwards with your easily until it dips beneath the upper lip of the rim, then lower the mounting arm down onto the rim'southward border in the space you've created past hand.[8]

    • You lot may demand to use a pry bar to printing the tire's top bead down over the lip of rim in that spot.
    • The tire volition again sit at an angle once the mounting arm is lowered into place.
  9. 9

    Press the pedal to rotate the tire and rim once more. Every bit the wheel and tire rotate, the mounting arm will now force the tire's upper bead downwardly over the lip of the rim. In one case you complete one total circumvolve, both the tire's upper and lower beads volition be passed the rim's upper lip.[9]

    • The tire is at present effectively on the rim and just needs to be inflated.
  10. 10

    Inflate the tire with an air compressor. Connect the air compressor hose to the end of the valve stem you installed before, but make certain y'all get your hands and vesture completely clear of the tire before y'all turn the compressor on. In one case y'all kickoff the catamenia of air, the tire will chop-chop inflate.[x]

    • Any piece of your body or wear defenseless in the space between the tire dewdrop and rim's edge will go pinched as the tire expands under inflation.
    • Once inflated to the proper air pressure, the tire is mounted.
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  1. 1

    Insert the valve stem if in that location isn't ane present. Lubricate the valve stem with a bit of tire lubricant, then press it into the hole on the inner portion of the rim where the tire volition later cover. Next, take a pair of pliers and pull the valve stem outward from the hole.[eleven]

    • Be sure to pull the stem until it's snugly seated in its hole in the rim.
  2. 2

    Lubricate the tire dewdrop and rim. While tire lubricant is of import for mounting tires with a motorcar, it'south paramount when mounting them by hand.[12] Utilise lots of lubricant to the interior bead of the tire and the outer edge of the rim.[13]

    • Spray the lubricant on or apply information technology by hand.
    • Brand sure the entire superlative and lesser beads on the tire and entire edge on the rim are both well lubricated and reapply more lubricant as necessary.
  3. 3

    Lay the rim flat on the footing and place the tire on top of it. If the ground you're working on is blacktop or physical, place a slice of cardboard below the wheel to avoid scratching it. Make sure the surface you work on is flat, even and stable.[14]

    • The tire will sit on acme of the rim, with its bottom dewdrop meeting the rim's upper lip.
    • Different with the auto, effort to make sure the tire sits on the rim flat.
  4. four

    Step on the tire with both feet to press the lower lip onto the rim. Ask a friend to lend a hand for balance as you footstep up onto the tire on ane side. Then bring your other foot up and apply pressure to the other side and forcefulness the lesser bead of the tire down over the top lip of the rim.[fifteen]

    • You may demand to hop a flake to apply enough downward strength to push the tire bead over the lip.
    • Practise not practice this without a friend to help with balance or yous may fall.
  5. five

    Add more lubricant to the upper bead on the tire equally well equally the rim. With the lower bead seated, the real challenge will be getting the upper 1 to follow suit. Apply more lubricant to assist force the prophylactic down over the metal to make it a bit easier.[16]

    • The lesser bead won't need any more lubricant.
  6. 6

    Press the upper lip of the tire downward onto the rim on one side. Angle the tire and so that 1 office of the upper dewdrop is down beneath the rim's edge. Press downwards on the lower portion of the tire if it doesn't quite make it by the lip on its own.[17]

    • You'll need to create enough space between the upper bead of the tire and upper lip of the rim to slide a pry bar into the gap.
    • You may even need to use the pry bar to create the gap. If then, keep it in place one time y'all're done.
  7. 7

    Apply a pry bar to force the tire's lip over the rest of the rim. Move around the bike, pressing downward onto the tire with your hands and prying its bead over the upper lip of the rim. This will take a off-white amount of work, but should be washed by the time you get in all the way around the bike once.[18]

    • Printing the pry bar into the bottom side of the rim'south upper lip, then information technology is not scratching any visible metal on the rim.
    • When you brand it all the way effectually the cycle, both the tire'due south upper and lower beads should exist completely past the rim's lip.
  8. 8

    Inflate the tire with an air compressor. One time both beads of the tire are past the rim'due south lip, y'all tin attach an air compressor to the valve stem and inflate the tire. Be certain to proceed your fingers and clothing clear of the tire bead every bit the tire inflates.[19]

    • Once the tire is inflated, you can motility on to the side by side one.
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    Tin can I put tires on rims past myself?

    Howard Fleischmann

    Howard Fleischmann is an Automotive Tire and Repair Specialist and the CEO of Community Tire Pros & Automobile Repair, with x locations throughout Phoenix, Glendale, Yuma, and Casa Grande, Arizona. Howard specializes in full-service auto repair and tire replacement and intendance for domestic/imported vehicles and large trucks. Howard's dedication to Community Tire Pros & Motorcar Repair has earned their team multiple awards and features including the 2022 Phoenix Magazine AZ State 48 "Best of the All-time!", the 2022 "Best of Phoenix" in Car Repair, the 2022 Master SBD award, the 2022 National "Top Shop" award by Tire Review, the 2022 Diversity Champions Phx Business Journal, the 2009 BBB Ethics award, the 2008 Phx Chamber of Commerce Impact Honour -" Small Business of the Yr", and the 2008 ASU Spirit of Enterprise award. Howard is often referred to every bit "The Car Guy" for local Television receiver stations and is a regular on TV'south Channel three Dominicus, Expert Morning time Arizona monthly.

    Howard Fleischmann

    Automotive Tire & Repair Specialist

    Proficient Answer

    Information technology tin can be difficult if you don't have the right tools, but you can manage it if you take a lot of lubricant.

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VideoRead Video Transcript

  • Well-nigh tires need to be balanced subsequently they've been mounted. This requires specialized equipment you can usually find at most auto repair facilities.

  • You can buy tire lubricant at your local machine parts store.


  • Always wear eye protection when mounting tires.


Almost This Article

Commodity Summary Ten

To put a tire on a rim, first make certain the size marked on the tire matches the size marked on the rim. If information technology doesn't, you lot'll demand to get a different tire or rim so the sizes match. Lay the rim on the footing front-side upwardly. Then, lubricate the interior beads, or inner edges, of the tire with dish lather and lay it on the rim. Printing downwardly and stand on the tire to piece of work the bottom bead onto the rim. Next, apply more dish soap to the top bead of the tire, and press the upper lip of the tire downwardly onto the rim on one side. Insert a pry bar betwixt the dewdrop and the rim and pull back on it to slide the bead onto the rim. Repeat every two-3 inches (5-7 ½ cm) around the tire. Finally, inflate the tire with an air compressor. Finally, use a pry bar to pull the tire'due south lip over the rest of the rim. To learn how to inflate your tire, read on!

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